Here's a list of the anime that will be used in this ranking list:
The first one we are going to talk about is Demon Slayer or also known as Kimetsu no Yaiba. It has a very good story throughout the show. It also has one of the best art styles I have seen. The story is very easy to follow.
The next one we are going to talk about is The Rising Of The Shield Hero or also known as Tate no Yūsha no Nariagari. It has a very good “rags to riches” story where the main character loses it all and comes back up to the top
For the third one I am going to talk about Sword Art Online or also known as Sōdo Āto Onrain. It has pretty good artwork. The story is good but pretty predictable. It also has good conflict between characters. It also has pretty good fight scenes
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